Reliable information is key to improving outcomes, but today’s corrections leaders struggle to get a real-time picture of what’s working across their agencies. Recidiviz is turning scattered prison, probation, and parole data into centralized, actionable insights. Our tools enable decision makers to improve operations, forecast the impact of proposed changes, and monitor key metrics in real-time.
Our partnership with Recidiviz enables us to leverage our data for actionable insights that make us better stewards of the state’s resources.
Tony Parker
former commissioner, Tennessee Department of Correction
More quickly and more definitively we’ll be able to answer the questions: are we helping residents and clients live more purpose-driven lives? Are we helping residents reenter communities with the knowledge, skills, health and stability necessary to stay out of the justice system?
Randal Liberty
Commissioner, Maine Department of Corrections
Our institutional population is at its lowest levels since 2001. Recidiviz supports our team members to continue their incredible work and highlights opportunities to advance our department's overall objectives.
George Little
FORMER acting secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
Recidiviz has enabled us to shift our focus to metrics that shine a light on positive outcomes, with real-time reports that highlight how we can maximize reentry success.
Dave Krabbenhoft
FORMER director, North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Recidiviz’s data-driven approach helps us ensure our attention goes towards the decisions that matter most for improving outcomes and promoting public safety.
Josh Tewalt
director, Idaho Department of Correction
With this new technology, we can improve public safety, better the lives of incarcerated people and their families, and enhance economic outcomes in Michigan.
Heidi Washington
director, Michigan Department of Corrections
We’re dedicated to facilitating the treatment, education, and job training programs that equip justice-involved Missourians with the skills they need. Approximately 96% of people who enter Missouri’s prisons will return to Missouri cities and towns.
Anne Precythe
FORMER director, Missouri Department of Corrections
At Recidiviz, we design our tools in partnership with people in prison, and on probation and parole in the states where we work. Our community of formerly incarcerated advisers inform our design process and deepen our impact.
Working with Recidiviz has opened my eyes to a world of possibilities for fixing this system that has taken so much from so many people. They ask for my opinions about real tools that are helping other people in my community who’ve been through something like I’ve been through. It makes me feel like I endured all of it for something: to make things just a little better for others.
Founder of Helpful Solutions, currently on parole in Idaho
It is important to include the voices of those directly impacted by incarceration, unfortunately, it's not something that is commonly practiced, but one of the most important components to create a supervision experience that is more conducive towards an overall successful reentry and life beyond.
Sr. Program Manager, currently on parole, Bronx, NY
Being a part of Recidiviz’s user experience research process has shown me that Recidiviz actually cares about giving a voice to the voiceless. Voice is power. In doing this, they are empowering our communities to be active participants in this collective healing.
Student at UC Berkeley, completed supervision in California in 2021
Every time Recidiviz is thinking of launching a new product that affects people on supervision, I’m asked to share my opinions about it. They walk me through the tools they are building and how they think supervision officers might use them and I get to share my own stories and experiences to inform the design decisions.
software engineer, currently on parole in New York
Probation and parole officers rely on our tools to support people on supervision and drive reentry success. Our data dashboards track caseload outcomes, highlight opportunities to move people closer to freedom, and flag issues to save precious time.
The Recidiviz team is wonderful at really listening to what we have to say and turning that into a tangible tool to benefit our everyday work goals.
Sandra McGril
parole and probation manager, Tennessee Department of Correction
Recidiviz tools are helping me to get ahead of the game so that I can spend more time working with people who need employment or have substance use needs.
Jarod Araujo
parole and probation officer, Idaho Department of Correction
Recidiviz’s collaboration and insight has pushed our agency light-years into using data to drive decision making!
Steve Bourgois
former business analyst, North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Recidiviz tools can really help us have an impact. If we know this far down in the weeds what’s causing poor outcomes, fixing it is the easy part. With this data, we can make strides at improving outcomes at the root of the issues.
Todd Schwent
assistant division director of probation and parole, Missouri Department of Corrections
This tool has come so far since we first started working together earlier this year. Soliciting our input and then putting it in action and making it something that we enjoy to use has been fantastic.
Keith Albi
parole and probation officer, Idaho Department of Correction (District 3)
Recidiviz tools give me a “to do list” and I don’t have to spend my time creating a list. This has made things more convenient.
Danijel Terzic
parole and probation Officer, Idaho Department of Correction (District 4)
We’re filling the criminal justice data gap by sharing timely information with impacted communities, policymakers, advocates, and the press.
“Where I really get excited regarding the dashboard, is these numbers really represent people. The data tells a story, but the numbers represent fathers, sons, mothers, daughters... all these people who deserve the right to succeed. It becomes a powerful tool to change systems, when that becomes clear to people."
Robert Rooks
CEO, REFORM Alliance
“Recidiviz’s innovative partnership opportunities have led our team to rethink the way we do advocacy. For example, their work on an Oklahoma sentencing reclassification bill helped accelerate its progress. Their policy modeling is considered by many to be the inflection point that made these reforms a reality.”
Jeremiah Mosteller
senior policy analyst, Americans for Prosperity
“We’ve seen healthcare switch to being patient-centered. Imagine if supervision was client-centered. Think of how many people would become success stories, rather than getting churned back into the system. User Experience Research at Recidiviz has allowed us to take the next steps in co-authoring a client-centered supervision experience.”
Mark Person
reentry support specialist, St. Vincent de Paul, currently on parole in Boise, Idaho
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